Bugs in AoC

Because of very high number of bugs Age of Conan full version, released in May is very criticize. Beta test is longest and most difficult part of production of every MMORPG, now it’s time for balancing skills and classes, repairing bugs and critical failures and many many more. Like expansion for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Age of Conan was delayed couple of times but Funcom is smaller company then powerful Blizzards, so Blizzard can delay expansion for a long time.
I think Age of Conan, must be repaired and around 6 months after premiere all most irritating bugs will be fixed. Game was big commercial success so probably there will be few expansions and free updates (i think this is cool in Lord of the Rings Online where was added 2 large areas for free :-) - Forochel and Evendim )..anyway Age of Conan is game with large potential so this game should have more players in the future. Cya
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